Awards & Certificates
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
UL Evaluation (USA) (UL Listing R21094)

EMME.R21094 Dampers for Fire Barrier and Smoke Applications
FDC curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Static Testing).
FDC curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Static Testing).
FHC curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Static Testing).
FDC3 curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Static Testing).
FDN louver type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 1.5 hours. (Dynamic Testing).
FDN3 louver type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Dynamic Testing).
HFDN3 louver type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Dynamic Testing).
FDCD3 curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Dynamic Testing).
FDCDH3 curtain type fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours. (Dynamic Testing).
SDI louver type smoke damper is UL listed with UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class I).
HSDI louver type smoke damper is UL listed with UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class I).
SDK louver type smoke damper is UL listed with UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class III).
FSDI louver type smoke & fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 1.5 hours and UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class I).
FSDI3 louver type smoke & fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours and UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class I).
HFSDl3 louver type smoke & fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours and UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class I).
FSDK louver type smoke & fire damper is UL listed with UL 555 Standard with fire rating of 3 hours and UL 555S Standard of smoke damper. (Leakage Class III).
High Technology Clean Room HVAC Systems
FHF fire damper is complied with GB 15930-2007 standard.
PFHF smoke& fire damper is complied with GB 15930-2007 standard.
PYF smoke exhaust valve is complied with GB 15930-2007 standard.
Made in Thailand Certification (MiT)

Insulated Aluminium Flexible Air Duct (AFP Type)

Square Neck Ceiling Diffuser (DB-A)

Fire Damper (FD-T)

Gravity Activated Curtain Type Static Fire Damper (FDC-T)

Double Deflection Supply Grille and Register (GV-A)

Volume Damper (HD-T)

Linear Bar Grille (RA-A)

Return and Supply Air Grille (RC-A)

Linear Slot Diffusers Adjustable (SLA2-A)
BS standard test (UK)
AF flexible duct is complied with British BS-476-1989 Standard by passing fire testing
AFE insulation fire flexible duct is complied with British BS-476-1989 Standard by passing fire test.
FD louver type fire damper is complied with BS-476 Standard of 3 hours of fire rating test.
SIRIM QAS Fire Protection Standard Test (Malaysia)
AFP Aluminium flexible duct with 25mm fibre glass insulation passes fire propagation tests (Test Report Ref. No: STS 3049/7/1-6)
FSD uninsulated multiblade fire damper with fusible link passes fire protection test (Test Report Ref. SQAS/FET/15/1-3)
Fire type approval test (Taiwan)
FDCDH3 curtain type fire damper passes 3 hours fire dynamic testing. Certification Number: SD-A9901
SD louver type smoke damper passes leakage testing. Certification Number: No.SD-A9901
King Mongkut’s University of technology Thonburi , Institute for scientific and technological research and services.
FD louver type fire damper passes heat resistance of fire damper (3 hours).
FDC curtain type fire damper passes heat resistance of fire damper (3 hours).
Fusible link passes melting point of fusible link and heat resistance of fire damper (3 hours).
AFP Aluminium flexible air duct and insulated aluminium flexible air duct passes pressure test at 30 inch H2O (762mm H2O,7.47KPa)
CNAS Testing (China)

AFP2 Insulated Flexible Duct passes entrustment test conducted by National Research Center of Testing Techniques for Building Materials (No. WT2018B03A01271)
VIPAC Airflow Test (Australia)

4-way Square Ceiling Diffusers airflow test conducted by Vipac Engineers & Scientists Co., Ltd. (Report No. 30-B-06-0108_TRP_211369_0)
AS standard test (Australia)
AF flexible duct is complied with UL-181-12-1994 by passing AS-4254-1995 high and low temperature test.
AF flexible duct is complied with UL-181-17-1994 by passing AS-4254-1995 pull pressure testing
Petty Patent
Ceiling Diffuser Set for Air Ventilation System / ชุดโครงหัวจ่ายลมแนวยาวสำหรับระบบปรับอากาศขนาดใหญ่
Double Deflection Supply Grille and Register / ชุดโครงหัวจ่ายลมแบบใบสองชั้น
Low Wind Resisted Louver Type Return Grille / ชุดใบหน้ากากลมกลับแบบแรงต้านต่ำ
Splash Resisted Louver Type Return Grille / ชุดหน้ากากลมกลับรุ่นใบเฉียง
Jet Diffuser / หัวจ่ายลมแบบฉีด
AMCA Standard
HDR-T-400 Manual Control Damper Pressure Drop & Leakage Test Report